Saturday, June 22, 2019

A couple new developments...

Once again, I've neglected this blog and a crapload of stuff has happened in our lives. At this point, if you're reading this, you probably already know that we had twins--a boy and a girl-- in May, but I feel the need to record the news for posterity. So for your reading enjoyment, here's how we found out we were pregnant.

I knew something was up when the first day of school in August began with my making a mad dash to the bathroom to throw up. I didn't have any morning sickness with Sadie, but I hadn't eaten anything exotic or undercooked recently, so I had a sneaking suspicion. And when the nausea and vomiting didn't let up for a few days, I knew. I think I picked up a pregnancy test at one point, just to confirm things, and I think I might have shown Tyler...I can't remember.

He wasn't surprised when I told him I was going to visit an OBGYN, I remember that much. I was going to the doctor, however, because I was pretty sure I was having a miscarriage. I'd been having some cramping for a couple of days, and that was the early signs of my miscarriage in Kuwait, so I figured I should go to the doctor and get the bad news over with.

Thankfully, a gynecologist just opened an office like 2 minutes from our house, so I was able to make a quick trip without having to set aside a whole day to drive into the city and back. Imagine my shock when, with the ultrasound wand charmingly shoved up my lady bits, the doctor said, "No, I think you are not having a miscarriage. You are having cramping because you have two babies."

I shot up and yelled, "WHAT?!" and almost shocked the dang wand out of her hand. I then collapsed back on the exam table and burst into tears. The doctor and her nurse were very confused by my little display of emotions. Was I happy? Surely those are tears of joy? Should you convulse quite so violently when crying from happiness? Maybe the crazy lady is just overwhelmed?

I was overwhelmed alright. I was DEVASTATED (sorry, babies)! We were just going for one! WE DIDN'T WANT TWINS! I had just started my first year at a new job! We had a one-year-old! 

I pulled it together, took my ultrasound photos, and stumbled to my car.

As is often the case here in Korea, I was blocked in by someone who had double parked, but I was also in no shape to drive, so I took advantage of the opportunity to sob in my car while I waited for the owner of the Land Rover behind me to move her car. 

Now I had to tell Tyler. He had sent me a sweet message of support before I went into the exam room, so he was expecting me to check in soon. I sent him a text asking if I could give him a call. 

The phone rang and I told him that everything was ok. I asked him if he was busy or if he had time to talk. 

"It's twins isn't it." 

There's not an easy way to recover from this kind of unexpected news. Our friends and colleagues were incredibly supportive and everyone we told was a mix of horrified and ecstatic, so we decided early to lay low with the baby talk on all forms of social media while we wrapped our heads around what we had gotten ourselves into. Telling folks you are pregnant with twins inevitably leads to someone making commentary on the father's virility or inserting their opinion on things, and I just didn't have the patience for any of that. Best to keep the news under wraps and endure the commentary from strangers who couldn't deny the ridiculously large belly protruding from my mid section.

Now that they are here, we of course love the twins, but we still have moment where we look at each other and one of us says, "Holy crap we have three kids."

As you can imagine, being pregnant in a new country, and being pregnant with twins, lent itself to a plethora of stories that need to be shared. I've made it my goal to record all these before the sleep deprivation erases them from my memory, so keep an eye out. 

Vicariously yours, 

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